The Virtuous Woman
The Leadership Journey

The Leadership Journey
The Path to Your Highest Potential

WHAT is The Leadership Journey?
The Leadership Journey is a group-coaching program that utilizes a holistic and integral model of leadership development to build authentic and masterful leaders. Group coaching is distinct from training, in that, it involves a series of facilitated sessions in which participants are able to apply what they learn between sessions through custom-designed self-observation exercises and practices and then receive coaching based on their actual experiences in the workplace. Unlike most training approaches, this approach allows participants to integrate their learning within themselves and their organizations during the course of the program, rather than after the program has completed.

The typical workshop or training class only addresses general concepts not individual experiences/situations and leaves the participant with no support or follow-up after the session, and thus, little if any long-term change. Whereas, this group coaching program results in long-term excellence in leaders by leaving them with the ability to continue to enhance their leadership expertise long after the group coaching program has completed.

WHO is The Leadership Journey for?
This program is designed for those who are valued leaders in your organization or who are considered to have high potential for assuming leadership positions in your organization. It is also for those who are currently in the process of transitioning to a higher level leadership position. It is for leaders who want to continue to learn about themselves, their impact on others and who want to continue to achieve higher levels of performance and a deeper sense of purpose within your organization.

WHY is The Leadership Journey critical to your organization’s success?
Leadership is extensively talked about, written about and often complained about inside organizations today. It is apparent that leadership is a critical component of your organization’s success. Leaders are sometimes provided with mentors, workshops, rewards and recognition, but, for the most part, leaders in organizations today do not achieve their highest potential in terms of the positive impact needed for organizations to survive and thrive in today’s marketplace.

The Leadership Journey is a program that will allow your valued leaders and prospective leaders to achieve their highest potential. As a result of participating in this program, the leaders in your organization will:

  • Build stronger confidence, credibility, self-awareness, influence and alignment between their values, actions, and goals
  • Achieve appropriate balance in their roles and the "multiple hats" they wear as leaders in the organization
  • Obtain an objective view of how they are perceived as a leader and develop an ongoing practice of self-correction through self-observation and obtaining feedback from others
  • Build effective relationships, enhance communication, and create a strong network of support and influence
  • Assess the impact of their environment on their leadership effectiveness and develop a plan to enhance their ability to manage their environment (e.g., structures, technology, resources, etc.)
  • Integrate their mind, body, emotions and spirit to become authentic and masterful leaders and achieve their highest potential!

WHEN/HOW is The Leadership Journey offered?
The program is designed for a maximum of 12 participants who meet together for one day each month for four months and participate in three group phone calls (1.5 hours each) between each of the four sessions. Additional individual and/or group coaching calls can be built into the program as desired. (This program is very flexible in nature and can be structured to meet the varying needs of individual organizations as necessary.)